
5 weight loss tips

5 weight loss tips

The world of fitness and weight loss is often confusing, with contradictory information swirling about. I’m going to cut through the confusion and make things really simple for you.

Below is a list of 5 foods that you should never eat.

These foods will derail your fitness and weight loss efforts every single time.

In addition, I will suggest a healthy substitute for each of these off-limits foods.

By simply swapping out the items below you will quickly and effortlessly become healthier, leaner and fitter than you are today.

Do-Not-Eat #1: Anything Fried
Fried food is loaded with fat and calories while offering zero nutritional value. It’s a lose-lose! Sure, fries and chips TASTE good, but healthier items also taste good. Just say no to the deep fried items on your menu. You’ll be thinner, healthier and won’t have greasy fingers.

Try This #1: Broiled
If you simply must have a French fry, then make them at home in your oven. Use sweet potatoes, as these are a more complex carbohydrate. Cut into matchsticks, drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil along with a dash of salt, then place in your oven on broil. Mix every 5 minutes until the fries are tender on the inside and crispy on the outside.

Do-Not-Eat #2: White Bread
White bread products have zero nutritional value and are quickly converted by your body into sugar. So you may as well eat a cupcake. Even breads that are technically wheat, but are as soft and smooth as white bread, should be avoided. Don’t be afraid to discard the bread from your sandwich or to push away that bread basket. Your waist will shrink and you’ll lose that bloated feeling that high carbohydrate meals give you.

Try This #2: Sprouted Grain Bread
If you must have bread, then stick with sprouted. Sprouted grain bread is a lot easier on your digestion and is packed full of nutrients. Two delicious brands are Food For Life’s Ezekiel bread, and Manna Organics. Sprouted grain breads are often kept in the freezer section since they don’t contain preservatives to prolong shelf life.

Do-Not-Eat #3: Creamy Salad Dressing

You were so good to order a salad, but then you ruined it by drenching the salad in fattening creamy dressing. Just a few tablespoons of creamy dressing contain more than 20 grams of fat and hundreds of calories.

Try This #3: Vinegar Dressing
Salad dressing is meant to lend flavor to the salad, not fat and calories. Vinegar-based dressings pack amazing flavor in with minimal fat and calories. You can even mix your own dressing at home. Take high quality vinegar, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper, your choice of dried herbs, and a bit of olive oil.

Do-Not-Eat #4: White Rice
I’m sure by now you’ve heard that white rice is not a healthy choice. Just like white bread, white rice has zero nutritional value – other than calories. Fiber and vitamins have been removed and the glycemic load will quickly prime your body for storing fat.

Try This #4: Brown Rice
Brown rice has three times the amount of fiber, more B vitamins as well as other nutrients, won’t sky rocket your blood, and will keep you feeling fuller for longer. That should be enough to convince you to swap your large pile of white rice out for a small pile of brown rice.

Do-Not-Eat #5: White Sugar
Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are the epitome of anti-fitness food. Nothing will destroy your progress, expand your waist and plummet your energy levels like sugar will. If you only take away one do-not-eat food from this article please let it be sugar.

Try This #5: Fruit
Don’t turn to artificial sweeteners to get your sweet fix, instead turn to nature’s wholesome source of sugar: fruit. Eat organic fruit that is seasonal and locally grown. Stay away from dried fruit and fruit juices, as these are high in simple calories.

5 weight loss tips

Eating right, along with challenging exercise, is the formula for a toned, lean body – so guarantee your results by teaming up with me.

Together we will come up with a fitness plan that is uniquely yours, one that fits your lifestyle and brings you promptly to your goals.

Call or email today to get started.

5 weight loss tips

Flat belly myths

Flat belly myths

Bathing suit season is right around the corner…are you ready?

Most people want to slim down before baring it all, so I’m here to warn you of the 5 Flat Tummy Myths that could waste your time:

Myth #1: Do extra crunches to flatten your abs.

Excessive crunches aren’t the answer for tight abs. In order to achieve a toned look you’ll have to focus on burning off the layer of fat that is covering up your tummy.

  • Tip: Don’t obsess about crunches – instead focus on fat burning.

Myth #2: Take diet pills to speed results.

I know it’s so tempting! The ads make compelling claims about the power of popping a pill, but don’t fall for it. There is no ‘magic pill’. Diet pills are more likely to burn through your pocketbook than to slim you down.

  • Tip: Don’t pop a pill – instead burn calories with intense exercise.

Myth #3: Turn to packaged diet products to boost results.

Don’t fall for the foods that are packaged as ‘diet’ or ‘weight loss’ aids. Quite often these products are packed with refined sugar and other artificial ingredients that your body doesn’t need, and certainly won’t help you attain that tight tummy.

  • Tip: Don’t eat packaged diet foods – instead stick with nutritious whole foods.

Myth #4: Avoid all carbohydrates in order to achieve tight abs.
Carbohydrates have been given a bad rap, which is unfortunate because you can (and should) eat carbs while slimming down. The key is to stick with whole grains, oatmeal and brown rice while avoiding processed and refined flours and sugars.

  • Tip: Don’t give up all carbohydrates – instead stick with wholesome carbs.

Myth #5: Starve the chub away.

Trying to lose weight by starving yourself is not only ineffective it can also be dangerous. It may seem that severe calorie restriction would deliver the quickest weight loss, but your body is complex and by doing so you’ll disrupt your metabolism and slow your results.

  • Tip: Don’t starve yourself – instead eat small wholesome meals throughout the day.

Now that you know what not to do in order to achieve tight abs, it’s time to go over your flat tummy game plan. Here’s what you need to know in 3 simple steps:

Flat belly myth

Step One: No more junk.
The best way to do this is by purging your kitchen. Throw out the sugary, processed and fat-filled foods. Once the junk has been cleared out, don’t buy any more of it. Remember that your beach-ready abs depend on what you eat – don’t eat junk!

Step Two: Eat whole foods.
Replace the junk food in your life with plenty of the following: cooked and raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, moderate amounts of seeds and nuts, lean meats and low fat dairy. Clean eating really is that simple.

Step Three: Come train with me.
This is the most obvious step. You’re ready to get into great shape and I’m in a unique position to make that happen for you. Call or reply to this email to get started on an exercise plan that will get you those amazing abs.

Flat belly myth

4th of July special

4th of July special

Placentia’s # 1 Fitness results services

Unlimited personal training summer special going on now!

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4th of July summer specials

Gluten free pancakes

Gluten free pancakes

This recipe is a wonderful option for a weekend breakfast – it’s healthy, delicious and ready in 20 minutes. These pancakes are gluten-free and are lower in carbs and sugar than pancakes made from a packaged mix. Serve with a side of eggs and fresh fruit. Yield: 10 pancakes

Gluten free pancakes

Here’s what you need…

  • 1 mashed banana
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup coconut sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1 1/2 cups blanched almond flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • coconut oil
  1. Combine the mashed banana, eggs, coconut sugar, vanilla and almond extracts in a food processor. Add the flour, soda and salt. Mix well. Let the batter sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Preheat coconut oil on your griddle over medium heat. Ladle pancake batter by 1/4 cup onto griddle. When bubbles form, flip the pancakes to cook other side.
  3. Serve with sliced banana and pure maple syrup. Enjoy!

Nutritional Analysis: One pancake equals: 148 calories, 9g fat, 8g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 4g protein.

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4th of July fitness sale

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Placentia’s # 1 Fitness results service

This is your chance to get the health and the body you always wanted!

Flat ABS pasta salad

Flat ABS pasta salad

Placentia’s # 1 Fitness Results Service

Here’s a pasta salad recipe that you can indulge in while still getting flat abs! The secret is to use a vegetable peeler to turn zucchini into long pasta-like strands. This recipe is filled with fiber and is the perfect side to a lean chicken breast. Servings: 4 

Flat ABS pasta salad

Here’s what you need:

  • 3 organic zucchini
  • 1/2 cup organic cherry tomatoes, quartered
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • juice from 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • dash of salt and pepper
  1. Trim the zucchini ends. Peel down the length of each zucchini until you reach the seeded center, creating long, noodle strands.
  2. Place the noodles in a medium bowl, add the quartered cherry tomatoes.
  3. In a small bowl combine the oil, garlic, lemon juice, dried basil, salt and pepper. Pour over the noodles and mix to combine.
  4. Chill for at least 20 minutes in the fridge.
  5. *Optional, garnish with drops of balsamic vinegar glaze before serving.

Flat ABS pasta salad

Nutritional Analysis: 92 calories, 7g fat, 68mg sodium, 7g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 2g protein

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The Fastest way to lose belly fat

The Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat is the worst…and these days it’s harder than ever to get rid of. With social pressures and modern conveniences constantly in your face, it’s no wonder that your waistline continues to expand.While losing fat, and losing it quickly, can feel impossible, I’m here today to give you a 3-pronged approached to shrink your bell fat once and for all…#1: Eat WellIt may seem obvious, but everything you put in your body has the potential to go to your belly. The top offender for belly growing is sugar. This means if you want to slim down around your waistline, cutting sugar from your diet is going to help you fast track your way to your goal. Don’t think this means just avoiding chocolate cake at birthday parties. It means giving up the three tablespoons of sugar you add to your coffee, saying no to soda, and skipping sports drinks. Get your sugars from whole fruits for a natural sugar high.At the same time you’re cutting sugar from your diet, you’ll need to fill your belly with other foods. One of the best options is lean protein. It helps you build muscle (extra muscle = extra belly fat-burning ability) and keeps you full for a longer amount of time. Of course, it also gives you extra energy that helps you take care of business in the gym.#2: Work Out Well

Speaking of taking care of business in the gym, if you’re going to really shed belly fat, you’re going to have to commit yourself to exercise. No more excuses and no more halfway doing it. You’ve got to go all out. But before you set up shop in the corner doing 3.7 million sit-ups, you should know that as helpful as it is to have a strong core for overall health, burning off belly fat by targeting all exercises directly at your abs won’t work.

Instead, you’ll need to put in a full-body exercise routine that gets your heart pumping. That means on top of a solid foundation of weights and other strength-training exercises, you’ll want to pile on plenty of high intensity cardio exercises.

The fastest way to lose belly fat

#3: Track It All

Getting rid of belly fat is a daunting task, and even when it’s going well, it can feel remarkably slow. By keeping track of your progress and your daily intake and outtake of calories, you can better determine what’s working and what’s not and have a better perspective on your actual progress.

Tracking isn’t just good at seeing where you’ve been. It’s also useful for setting goals. Run for 20 minutes yesterday? Go for another couple minutes today. Or better yet, if it took 20 minutes to run two miles yesterday, try running an extra tenth of a mile in the same amount of time today. Keep piling new challenges on top of yourself, and that fat that has clung so tightly to your belly through the years will soon be dropping off of your frame.

Even the best exercise routine in the world is fruitless if you throw away your results with sloppy eating. Remember to keep your meals lean by avoiding processed carbs, packaged foods or fried items. Fill up on lean proteins and fresh vegetables and reward yourself with organic, seasonal fruit. That, my friend, is lean living!

The fastest way to lose belly fat

Ready to take your fitness results to the next level? Call or email me today and we will get you started on an exercise program that’s designed to deliver massive results. Come on, you deserve it!


Excuses that prevent weight loss

7 Excuses That Prevent Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to maintain amazing bodies while you struggle with your weight?They make it seem so easy to achieve and maintain results. What do they know that you don’t? When you boil it down, the answer is quite simple.The missing link between you and your ideal body is your go-to list of excuses.Start with an excuse and expect to be excused from losing weight. Here are seven excuses that have ensured dieters will fail in their weight-loss attempts before they ever get started.Excuse #1: I’ve Always Been OverweightHere’s a little secret: feeling sorry for yourself will not help you lose weight. Quite the contrary. Whining and crying that you’ve never been thin can actually work against you, as you start to see yourself as stuck being overweight. Do that long enough and all you can see in your future is an overweight you. If you’re going to really cut your weight, you’ve got to be able to envision a lighter you.Excuse #2: I Worked Out, So I Can Eat WhateverWorking out often makes you hungry. That’s a good thing. You just burned a bunch of calories and your body is looking to make up for them. However, just because you burned a few hundred calories doesn’t mean you get to indulge in any and every food you see. And you certainly can’t eat as much as you want.Excuse #3: I Don’t Have Time to ExerciseSpend a few days documenting how you use your time. Write down each and every thing you do and how long you do it for. You’ll soon notice how much time you throw in the trash by mindlessly surfing your favorite social media sites and watching television. Transform those times into workout opportunities and toss the time excuse in the trash.Excuse #4: Exercise HurtsSome folks are in pain the day after they work out. If this is you and you find yourself feeling like you just rode a horse for three days straight after a workout, the reason is likely that you only hit the gym once a week or every two or three weeks. To get over that uncomfortable soreness after every workout, you’re going to have to go at it at least three times a week. Yes, you’ll still get sore on occasion, but it’ll be an accomplished sore.Excuse #5: I Love Junk FoodThis may seem a hurdle too large to overcome, but if you’re willing to fight for your weight loss, it can be done. To convince yourself that healthy food doesn’t have to be disgusting, spend more time with health-conscious friends who cook and live healthily. Eat what they eat. You’ll be amazed at the wide range of flavors to savor on a healthy diet.Excuse #6: It’s No Fun Doing It Alone

Then stop trying to diet alone! Grab your healthiest friends and surround yourself with them. When you’re tempted to go off track with your diet or want to skip a workout, call or text your friends for immediate support. They’ll prop you up, remind you of your goals, and encourage you to stay the course.

Excuse #7: My Body Is Delicate

First off, before you start an exercise routine, it’s a good idea to run the idea by your physician. However, unless you have an incredibly rare condition, exercises done with proper technique and eating healthily will not put you at risk for anything but improved health. As soon as you accept the fact that your body can handle much more than you’ve put it through, the sooner you’ll begin enjoying the gym and make better use of your body.

Exercise is a huge part of the equation when it comes to achieving weight loss.

I am passionate about seeing my clients achieve results—without wasting time, energy and effort on mistakes.

Excuses that prevent weight loss

Call or email me today. I’d love to get you on the exercise program that will change your body and your life for the better.


Your best body ever

Your best body ever

Placentia’s # 1 Fitness Results Service

You know that diet and exercise are important when it comes to creating your best body, but you may be overlooking other techniques for getting into the best shape.

Turn the following 13 simple tips into habits and watch as your body transforms.

1) Eat a Smart Breakfast.
Most people load up on carbohydrates and simple sugars for breakfast. Cereal, pastries, smoothies and juice are all poor choices when it comes to starting your day off right. Center your breakfast around protein and healthy fat, and you’ll have energy for hours. Try a protein shake, eggs, lean breakfast meat, or a handful of nuts.

2) Get More Sleep.
If you’re not getting at least 8 hours of sleep each night then you could use more sleep. This is especially true if you’ve reached a plateau with weight loss. Give your body the 8 hours of sleep each night and make weight loss easier.

3) Just Do It.
If you’re really ready to achieve your best body ever, then dig down deep and commit. As Woody Allen famously said, “80% of success is showing up.” This is absolutely true when it comes to fitness. Show up to your workout. Even if you’re tired. Even if you’d rather be doing something else. Just do it.

4) Plan Ahead.
Take one day each week to plan your healthy meals for the following week. You don’t have to do all the shopping and cooking on that day, simply jot down what you plan to eat. This small act of planning ahead will keep you on track with healthy meals even when the week gets crazy busy.

5) Cut Out Gluten.
Many people don’t realize that they have a certain level of sensitivity to gluten, which causes intestinal inflammation and bloating. Also, gluten-filled foods are typically high in carbohydrates, which contribute to weight gain. When you cut gluten-filled items from your diet don’t fall into the trap of simply replacing those items with other high-carb items. Choose non-packaged, whole foods instead.

6) Believe In Yourself.
Do you believe that you have what it takes to transform your body? If you want to succeed in weight loss then you have to believe that it’s possible. Give yourself a pep talk and dig down deep for the courage and discipline to apply these healthy changes to your life.

Your best body ever

7) Eat Less Dairy.
Dairy products like cheese or cream add extra fat and calories to your meals. Pass on the dairy and you’ll eliminate unnecessary calories, making weight loss quicker.

8) Sleep and Wake at the Same Time.
This tip sounds so simple, and yet it’s a powerful way to increase your daily energy. Get your body on a schedule and watch how much more productive and energetic you become.

9) Include Veggies at Every Meal.
Most people aren’t too crazy about vegetables, and probably eat less than they should. Make it a point to include a vegetable with each of your meals – even breakfast. The increase in fiber and other nutrients will give your body that extra boost that you’re looking for.

10) Ditch Packaged Food.
Throw out those packaged foods! This is one of the easiest things you can do to achieve quicker weight loss results. Packaged foods contain chemicals and additives that will slow your fitness results.

11) Drink More Water.
Being hydrated is key when it comes to creating your best body. Drink water throughout your day and limit caffeinated beverages to once daily.

12) Forget Artificial Sweeteners.
Sure, these sweeteners don’t contain calories, but they are known to increase your appetite and cravings for carbohydrates. In the quest for your best body, put down the diet soda and reach instead for some water.

13) Exercise With a Pro.
Are you exercising as efficiently as possible? Do you challenge your muscles enough during each workout? Are you keeping the routine new and fresh? These are all factors that will be taken care of for you when you work with a trained fitness professional. Working with a pro ensures that you make the most of your exercise time.

So there you have it, 13 tips that will take your results up a notch.

If you haven’t joined one of my programs yet, now is a great time to start. Together we will get you focused on your goals with my results-driven method.

For your best body ever, Call or email today to set up your first workout.