5 meals ready in 5 minutes
5 meals ready in 5 Minutes,
Most of us want to eat healthy – we really do – but a single detrimental factor gets in our way…we simply don’t have the time.
I get it, we all lead busy lives that leave very little extra time for healthy meal prep, but the alternative of fast food meals, frozen dinners and restaurant fare is making us lose in the battle of the bulge.
All too often I see people exercise hard everyday, and then flush their results away with irresponsible eating. Don’t let this be you!
To get you on the fast track to quick, healthy eating here are 5 healthy meals that take only 5 minutes to prepare:
5 meals ready in 5 minutes
Fast Meal #1: Traditional pancakes are filled with carbs, grains and a plethora of simple sugars – not something you’d consider healthy. In fact, eat pancakes regularly and you’ll find your fitness results quickly disappear. However, this simple, wholesome, 3-ingredient pancake recipe is the exception. It’s a pancake that you’re able to enjoy without guilt.
3-Ingredient Pancakes
Here’s what you need:
- 3 ripe bananas
- 2 eggs
- 3 Tablespoons almond butter
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract or ground cinnamon *optional
- Mash the bananas in a bowl (or blend in a food processor). Add the eggs, almond butter and flavor additions. Mix until smooth.
- Preheat a griddle or skillet. Lightly grease with coconut oil. Pour the batter in ¼ cup scoops.
- Once you see bubbles form, flip and cook the other side until golden.
- Serve with fresh fruit.
Fast Meal #2: Tuna is a wonderful fish that’s packed with muscle-building protein. However, most tuna salad recipes drowned out the benefits with a boatload of calorie-packed mayonnaise. Here’s a refreshing tuna salad recipe that, in addition to being quick to prepare, avoids the trap of high-calorie dressing.
Quick Tuna Salad
Here’s what you need:
- 1 green apple, chopped
- 2 green onions, tops only, chopped
- ¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped
- 2 cans albacore tuna, in drained
- 1 Tablespoon dijon mustard
- ¼ cup coconut oil, melted
- ¼ cup red grapes, halved
- sea salt and pepper to taste
- Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl and serve immediately. I like to serve this salad in large butter lettuce leaves, or scooped onto avocado halves.
Fast Meal #3: Yogurt has often been advertized as a healthy, guilt-free snack or meal replacement. This always bothers me because I know just how many simple carbs and sugars most flavored yogurts contain. Many people are deceived into thinking that the creamy, fruit flavored snack will help them lose fat, while it does just the opposite. Here’s a recipe for a creamy, fruit flavored snack that is actually packed with protein and free of fattening sugars.
Creamy Protein Mousse
Here’s what you need:
- 1 cup chopped fruit
- 1 (13.5oz) can coconut milk, full fat (chilled in the fridge overnight)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 frozen bananas, peeled
- 1 Tablespoon coconut oil
- ¼ teaspoon almond extract
- ½ cup stevia-sweetened vanilla protein powder
1) Chill the can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight. Do NOT shake the can up at all! Carefully turn the can over and open from the bottom. Drain out the liquid and scoop the white cream into a food processor. Discard the liquid.
2) Throw all of the ingredients into a food processor. Blend on high until creamy. Enjoy chilled.
5 meals ready in 5 minutes
Fast Meal #4: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and not only because it’s the meal that breaks your overnight fast. What you decide to eat for breakfast sets the tone for the rest of your food decisions for the day. A donut or breakfast sandwich grabbed from a drive thru will set you up to eat junk for the rest of the day. On the other hand, a wholesome, nutritious breakfast will get you geared up to eat good-for-you foods all day long. This quick breakfast recipe is packed with amazing, natural flavor as well as protein-filled eggs to power your day.
Zucchini Egg Scramble
Here’s what you need:
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 1 zucchini, thinly sliced
- 2 Tablespoons green onion, chopped
- 2 Tablespoons chives, chopped
- 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced
- 2 organic eggs
- In a small skillet place the olive oil over medium heat. Add the zucchini, green onion, chives and rosemary. Cook until the zucchini is lightly browned on both sides.
- Crack the eggs into the skillet and continue to cook, mixing, until the eggs are set. Remove from heat and enjoy immediately.
Fast Meal #5: I’ve saved the best for last, in this list of 5 Fast Meals. There was a time when most people would turn their nose up at the idea of a salad being a meal, but times are changing, and we are now more aware than ever how traditional meals are too heavy and lead to obesity. I’d like you to consider a ‘Everything Salad’ to be the perfect, quick and guilt-free meal. Sure, there are plenty of ways to take a salad and make it fattening, but that’s not what we want to do. By taking a big bowl of fresh greens and topping it with lean protein, colorful veggies and a light, homemade dressing – you’ve got yourself the perfect meal!
Everything Salad
Here’s what you need:
- Dark leafy greens (spinach, arugula, kale)
- Lean protein (chicken, turkey, lamb, hard boiled egg)
- Colorful veggies, chopped (bell peppers, tomatoes, zucchini)
- Fresh Herbs (basil, rosemary, oregano, mint)
- Homemade dressing (see recipe below)
- Raid your fridge for fresh, organic produce and lean, cooked protein. Add in some fresh veggies and chopped herbs and mix together with a simple, homemade dressing. There you have it, the perfect meal!
While eating healthy, nutritious meals is awesome, don’t forget that exercise is half of the battle when it comes to getting and staying fit. Call or email me today and we will get you started on the exercise program that will reshape your body once and for all! 5 meals ready in 5 minutes
Sugar in foods
Sugar in foods
It’s hard to avoid sugar when many common foods secretly contain loads of it.
You know that eating an excess of sugar will derail your fitness progress and quickly lead to an increase in body fat, but recent studies are proving that sugar is much more dangerous than we once thought.
Your risk of heart attack doubles when 20 percent or more of your calories come from sugar, according to a new study published in JAMA International Medicine.
That is no joke! So with obesity and heart disease on the line, let’s uncover the 7 common foods that you didn’t know contain sugar.
1. Fruit Yogurt
Yogurt is packaged and marketed as a diet food for women, which is outrageous. The pretty little packages may be low in fat, but just one serving contains a whopping 19 grams of sugar.
2. Pasta Sauce
This one may come as a surprise, since pasta sauce is considered to be a savory food, but alas, it has loads of sugar hiding in it. For every half a cup of store bought pasta sauce you’re ingesting 12 grams of sugar.
Sugar in foods
3. Agave Nectar
Many think of agave nectar as a free pass, since it has been so cleverly marketed as a health food, but sadly this sweetener is just as dangerous as white sugar. Agave nectar is 85% fructose.
4. Dried Fruit
Yes, even our fruit isn’t safe anymore. Most companies are adding extra sugar in with their dried fruit, making it as sweet as candy. Just 1/3 of a cup contains 24 grams of sugar.
5. Granola Bars
It may boast wholesome, whole grains on the package, but your favorite granola bar is hiding a sickly sweet secret. The average packaged granola bar contains 12 grams of sugar.
6. Energy Drinks
When you need an afternoon pick-me-up, think twice before reaching for that energy drink. Mega energy drinks contain up to 83 grams of sugar.
7. BBQ Sauce
There’s a reason that those BBQ chicken wings are finger licking good…all that sugar it’s hiding. A 2 Tablespoon serving will set you back 13 grams of sugar. Start eliminating the sugar-packed foods in your diet today. Your body and your heart will both be in better shape for it.
And let’s not forget the place that a challenging, consistent exercise program has in your quest for good health and a fit physique. My programs are specially designed to blast fat and to build muscle in all the right places.
Sugar in foods
Call or email me today to get started on a fat loss program that really works.
Healthy fast foods
Healthy fast foods:
Sounds too good to be true, right? Fast food that is healthy?
Fast food has a reputation for being high in trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, and calories, while having next to no healthy ingredients. For example, one loaded hamburger, fries, and pie contain more saturated fat than you should eat in two days.
However, things are changing. The past few years have seen many fast-food restaurants make a concerted effort to improve their menus. As a result, many restaurants now offer low-fat options and fresh ingredients. Choose wisely and you no longer have to sacrifice a healthy meal for the sake of convenience.
But to do this, you must be an informed customer, resist menu temptations, and make healthy choices when it comes to fast food. Finding a nutritious, cheap, convenient meal may be a challenge, but it can be done.
…of menu lingo. Steer clear of meals labeled fried, breaded, basted, creamy, crispy, batter-dipped, au gratin, scalloped, or Alfredo. These dishes are usually high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and calories.
Instead, go for lean meat options that are broiled or grilled and fresh or steamed veggies. If needed, special order your food to be prepared in a healthier manner.
…of extras. A salad may seem like a low-fat option until you drown it in fried toppings, high-fat dressing, and cheese. A deli sandwich is a great choice until you add the mayo, spreads, and cheeses. The same goes for a baked potato. What about the butter, cheese, bacon, salt, and mountain of sour cream?
Simple, fresh ingredients are best. Ask for dressings and toppings on the side so you can monitor how much is added.
…of portion sizes. A single serving at many restaurants could feed an entire family. The average meal at a fast-food joint can contain more than 1,000 calories. Extra large options should be replaced with smaller portions or shared with family or friends. Don’t forget the calories contained in your drinks. Often overlooked, the calories in sodas and sweetened beverages add up quickly.
Try unsweetened iced tea or lemon water instead.
…of buffets! Even if you choose the salad bar, buffets set the stage for overeating. You may just want to eat your money’s worth, but chances are, you’ll eat more than you need.
After finishing your meal, wait at least 20 minutes before heading back for seconds. Your body needs time to tell your brain your stomach is full.
…of eating on the run. Isn’t this what fast food is all about? Unfortunately, when you’re in a hurry and aren’t thinking about what you’re eating, you tend to overeat and overindulge.
Slow down and chew slowly. Your food will digest easier and you’ll most likely eat less. Remember, it takes time for your brain to get the message that you’re satisfied. So chew well and give your brain the chance it needs.
Be Smart
Healthy fast foods
Knowing is half the battle. The other half is making the right choices. Depending on your health condition, it may be OK to splurge every once it a while, but a habit of double-patty, greasy burgers and large fries every week will hurt your body.
Instead, choose a single-patty burger or a grilled chicken sandwich. In place of a milkshake, go for the yogurt parfait. Rather than French fries, opt for a baked potato or side salad. (Just be sure to choose smart toppings.)
Fast Food Shouldn’t Be the Norm
While there are healthier options available these days at fast-food joints, nothing is as fresh and nutritious as a home-cooked, low-fat meal. Save the fast-food meals for rare occasions when there’s no better option.
Healthy fast foods
Remember that exercise is a huge part of the equation when it comes to achieving weight loss.
Call or email me today and we will get you started on the exercise program that will reshape your body in 2013.
7 foodsto never eat
7 foods to never eat
Are you eating the wrong foods?
I see it happen all the time…fitness results that are thrown away by eating the wrong foods. Don’t let this be you. You workout hard, so keep your results by avoiding the following 7 foods:
1) Don’t Eat White Pasta
White pasta will never be OK to eat when your goal is to look fit. Sorry, it’s filled with way too many simple carbs. These plentiful carbs have one singular goal: to become stored on your body as fat.
Eat This: Spaghetti Squash
On those nights when you really crave a big bowl of noodles, try this instead. Poke a spaghetti squash all over then bake at 400 degrees F for 45-60 minutes. Remove from the oven, allow to cool, scoop out the seeds and then scrape out the long, noodle-like strands of squash. Serve these healthy noodles with spaghetti sauce and meatballs.
2) Don’t Eat Store Bought Salad Dressing
The nutritional benefit of your salad is all but undone by the questionable ingredients in store bought salad dressing. From trans fats to preservatives, store bought salad dressing is a landfill of unnatural ingredients that are best avoided.
Eat This: Simple Homemade Dressing
Making you own salad dressing is so simple, it literally takes less than five minutes, and it tastes so much better freshly made. Here’s the equation to use when making your own dressing:
- 3 parts high quality oil – extra virgin olive oil, hemp seed oil, flax seed oil, or sesame seed oil.
- 1 part something acidic – vinegar, lemon, lime
- A dash of salt and fresh ground pepper
- Some fresh or dried herbs
3) Don’t Eat Packaged Granola Bars
Packaged bars have one thing going for them – the convenience factor. This convenience comes at a price, as each packaged bar contains more preservatives, carbs, calories and sugars than you should be eating.
Eat This: Raw Nuts
When you need a quick, energizing snack look no further than a handful of raw nuts. This is a great way to cut down on the sugar and other harmful additives in granola bars while still enjoying a convenient energy boost.
4) Don’t Drink Blended Coffee Drinks
Coffee chains have made it socially acceptable to sip on a large blended coffee drink topped with whipped cream, anytime and anyplace. Unfortunately your body is going to respond to all that sugar in the only way that it knows how…by storing it as fat. These blended drinks are extremely addictive, so it’s best to avoid them completely.
7 foods to never eat
Drink This: Unsweetened Iced Tea
The whole idea behind blended coffee drinks is to quench your thirst, but there are more fitness-friendly ways to do so. Double brew 4 cups of your favorite tea – try Chai Rooibos – then chill it in the fridge for a few hours. Serve over ice and sweeten with a sprinkle of Stevia if needed. Guilt-free refreshment.
5) Don’t Eat Fast Food Breakfast Sandwiches
The drive thru may be calling you, especially when you’ve left for work in such a hurry that you forgot to eat breakfast, but don’t give in. Fast food breakfast sandwiches are filled with loads of preservatives, trans fats and questionable ingredients. Not to mention these little breakfast bombs contain more calories and fat than you need in the morning.
Eat This: Healthy Mini Muffins
The recipe below for Healthy Mini Muffins make the perfect on-the-go breakfast or snack to keep you out of the drive thru line. Make a batch on the weekend to stock the fridge and then grab as needed throughout your busy week.
6) Don’t Eat Sweetened Yogurt
Little cups of fruit-flavored yogurts are often marketed as the next best weight loss secret, but you know better. These ultra-sweet concoctions are filled with sugars, corn syrup and preservatives, which will derail your fitness results and send you on a sugar high.
Eat This: Plain Greek Yogurt with Fruit
Plain Greek yogurt has more protein and far less sugar than the cute little fruit-flavored yogurt cups. Dress it up by adding your own, chopped fresh fruit.
7) Don’t Eat Potato Chips
Around three o’clock in the afternoon, when that vending machine is calling out your name, remember this fact: Studies suggest that a potato chip habit caused subjects to gain weight even faster than an ice cream habit. This is likely due to all the preservatives, trans fats, empty calories and salt, and how hard it is to each just a few.
Eat This: Bake Kale Chips Kale chips are crunchy and satisfying, just like potato chips, yet you’re able to crunch away guilt-free. Filled with fiber, protein and real food nutrients, this is one crunchy snack that won’t expand your waistline. Here’s how to make them at home: Wash and tear one bunch of kale into chip-sized pieces. Toss with a Tablespoon of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 300 degrees F for 12-15 minutes.
7 foods to never eat
The quickest and most permanent way to lose weight and feel amazing is through a combination of healthy eating and consistent, challenging workouts.
I’m here to help you meet your fitness and weight loss goals.
You deserve that fit and attractive body – I can help you get it.
Call or email today and together we will get you on the path to your best body ever.
www.placentiapersonaltraining.com 714-883-8940
Why your fat loss is stuck
Fat loss stuck, If your scale won’t budge, then this story is for you.
Jon Gabriel was stuck.
At nearly 410 pounds, he had tried every diet imaginable – with no luck.
No matter what approach he took to lose fat, his body would fight him, and he would inevitably end up heavier than before.
Then one day he had a light bulb-over-the-head “ah-hah” moment: His body wanted to be fat, and as long as it wanted to be fat, there was nothing he could do to lose weight.
If you’ve struggled for any length of time with weight loss, then you know the frustration that Gabriel felt in that moment. He was at war with his body.
In the two years following Gabriel’s “ah-hah” moment, he lost over 220 pounds naturally, without surgery or counting calories. His incredible journey is recounted in his book The Gabriel Method.
One of the key components to his success was that he identified and addressed the mental and emotional reasons that his body felt safe being overweight. Once these issues were eliminated, the weight began to fall off.
The Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight
According to Gabriel, your body wants to be fat anytime it decides that being fat is the best way to keep you safe. Once your body understands that being thin is the best way to keep you safe, your body will want to be thin and the weight will fall off.
This all ties into our survival instincts to protect us from starvation, freezing to death or being eaten.
In our modern world you have different worries than being chased by a lion, but even modern stress about paying your bills create the exact same chemical signals that are produced when you are starving or freezing. This convinces your body that you need to be fat in order to be safe.
When you approach weight loss from the outside in, you overlook mental and emotional threats that can confuse your body into thinking that being fat can help keep you safe.
Here are four threats that may be affecting you:
Fat loss stuck
1. Fear of Scarcity: When you spend your time in fear that you don’t have enough money then you send a message to your body that resources are limited. The only resource that your body recognizes is food – and storing fat is how your body saves up.
2. Emotional Obesity: At a subconscious level you may have the association that being fat makes you feel safer, or that it is serving another emotional need. In this case your body is simply trying to protect you; it is making you feel safer emotionally.
3. Mental Starvation: Though your body only recognizes physical starvation, you can also be suffering from emotional or mental starvation.
This could be a desire for love, joy, fun, intimacy, or a deeper spiritual connection. Any mental or emotional longing can send the same chemical signals in your brain that physical starvation causes.
Fat loss
4. Dysfunctional Beliefs: If you believe that you were meant to be fat, or deserve to be fat, or if you view weight loss as impossible, then your body will obey by refusing to lose weight. Change your dysfunctional beliefs first and then weight loss will become simple.
Exercise was a big part of Gabriel’s remarkable weight loss journey. Once he broke through the mental and emotional reasons for his obesity, his body craved activity.
Are you ready to begin your weight loss/fat loss journey? I’m here to help.
Call or email today to get started on a program that will transform your life forever – just like Gabriel did.
Reduce your thighs (3 steps)
Reduce your thighs,Women everywhere complain about the size of their thighs. Fat and cellulite have a way of ending up there – especially in the upper, inner thigh area.
I’m often asked how to quickly and easily reduce fat in this unwanted thigh region, so today’s article is all about reducing your thighs.
First I need to remind you that it’s not possible to spot reduce fat from one single part of your body, so my 3 steps to reduce your thighs will work by reducing your body fat percentage as a whole. It sure would be great if we could point a magic wand and make fat shrink from one particular spot, but that’s just not how the human body it built.
The great news is that your entire body will become leaner and sexier in addition to your thighs shrinking!
Here are my 3 steps to Reduce Your Thighs…
Reduce Your Thighs Step #1: Ban Liquid Calories
Liquid calories are a major problem for many, resulting in countless unwanted pounds and inches around their thighs. These calories are easy to overlook, since you’re just drinking and not actually eating anything, but don’t doubt for a second that they are adding up quickly.
The best strategy to take, when your goal is to reduce your thighs, is to cut out liquid calories completely. This is an easy way to instantly cut hundreds of calories per day without feeling deprived. Simply replace those high calorie beverages with water or unsweetened coffee or tea.
I’m sure you are aware of which beverages in your diet contain calories, but I’ll remind you with this list anyways: sweetened coffee drinks, blended coffee drinks, smoothies, sodas, energy drinks, alcoholic drinks…
Stick with water and unsweetened coffee and tea and watch how quickly you drop in size.
Reduce Your Thighs Step #2: Focus on Protein and Fiber
Want to know what lean, fit people all have in common? They focus all of their meals and snacks around protein and fiber and avoid sugar and simple carbs. It’s really that simple.
Now when you look at your current diet, which is likely filled with high carb and high sugar items, then making the switch to a diet focused around protein and fiber may seem hard to do. The truth is that any change is difficult, but once you make it you’ll quickly adjust and will begin a whole new, leaner lifestyle.
Cut out the packaged, high carb and high sugar items from your diet. Plan each meal around vegetables and lean proteins. This simple nutritional shift will make all of the difference in quickly dropping your body fat.
Reduce Thighs Step #3: Exercise Smart
There’s exercise, and then there’s smart exercise.
Exercise is good, and will get you to burn some calories and even build some muscle. It will raise your metabolism and improve your cardiovascular health. It will even reduce your thighs. All very good things.
Smart exercise will get you more of these benefits in less time.
So what makes exercise smart?
By doing a progression of movements with increasing intensity. By changing your workout often, to keep your body guessing. By varying your speed and range of motion. By incorporating complex, full body movements. By stimulating different muscle groups in each session.
Creating smart workouts is what I do for my clients.
Since my clients are not a trained fitness professional with the knowledge and skills to create smart workouts each day, I do all of the work for them. They simply show up and reap all of the benefits possible from each workout session.
If you haven’t yet become one of my clients, today is the day! Let’s get you in here for a fat-blasting workout that will shrink your body in all the right places. Reduce your thighs
Call or email today and learn to exercise smart
Full body training
Full body training on Tuesday at 6pm, combines strength, functional, cardiovascular and mobility training.
Full body training at Precision Fitness Placentia give you the personalized attention in a small group setting, so space is limited you must RSVP 714-883-8940 try it out for FREE!
What make this program so special and different than most program out there is we base the program on the 4 pillars of human movement.
Full body training at Precision Fitness Placentia you will get FAT burning will get the benefits of Strength building you will increase your ability to move, but also reduce injuries.
Give Full body training a try, call 714-883-8940 for next Tuesday class!!
Clean Eating – The Secret to Staying in Shape!
Clean Eating – Recipes and Tips for Staying in Shape
written by: Erin Stone
As a health science major, I have been learning a lot about nutrition and staying in shape. It turns out that while working out is EXTREMELY important, your diet contributes to about 70% of your results! Many people feel that eating clean and healthy meals are hard and time consuming, but I have found a few recipes that I love, and I hope you will too! It turns out that healthy meals can still be delicious. I have found that the key to staying on a healthy diet is making a meal plan and sticking to it. When you have your meals all planned out, it becomes much harder to cheat on your diet. Here are some fun (and interesting!) recipe ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everywhere in between!
Zeggs and Zoats (Zucchini eggs and oats)- I discovered this crazy recipe a few days ago on instagram. It sounds weird, but tastes great if you’re looking for a filling, low carb breakfast! The best part is that you can personalize the recipe and add whatever toppings you’d like.
Paleo Zeggs:
- 1 lg zucchini, grated
- 3-5 egg whites
- 1/4 cup almond milk or water
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbs + 2 tsp coconut flour
- 2 tbs chia or flax seeds (optional)
- 1 or 2 packets of stevia
- add 1 tsp cocoa for chocolate zeggs!
Directions: mix all ingredients in a microwave safe bowl, and put in microwave for 2 and a half minutes. Remove and stir, then put back in microwave for another 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Top with whatever you would like! Some popular toppings are sliced banana, PB2 powder, blueberries, cinnamon, honey, slicked almonds, or other fruit. Zoats are the same general idea, but there are oats in the recipe as well for more added carbs. There are tons of recipes on the internet for different flavor zeggs and zoats!
Coconut Banana Pancakes (YUM!) makes 4 pancakes
- 2 tbs coconut flour
- 2 large egg whites
- 1/4 cup almond milk
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 packet stevia
- 1/2 smashed banana
- 1 tbs water
- a couple drops of coconut extract (optional)
- topping: chocolate PB2
directions: mix all ingredients and make pancakes on a griddle or in a pan, cooking for a few minutes on each side. Top with chocolate PB2 or maple syrup and the other half of banana, sliced. These pancakes are delicious, and give you nothing to feel guilty about!
Baked Wild Cod (my personal favorite!)
- 1.5 lbs wild cod
- 2 medium yams/sweet potatoes, sliced thin
- 2 small red potatoes, sliced thin
- 1 large tomato, sliced
- 1 tbs tomato paste, mixed with 1/3 cup water
- 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
- 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp dried oregano
- 1/4 tsp basil
- sea salt and pepper to taste
Directions: Preheat oven to 450. In a large baking pan, toss and coat all of the ingredients. It’s that simple! Bake 30-40 minutes on top rack. Enjoy! Makes 4-5 servings.
Chicken Stir Fry
- 1.5 lbs boneless skinless chicken breast
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 1/2 orange bell pepper, chopped
- 1.5 cup pineapple, chopped
- 2.5 tbs sweet and spicy bbq sauce (or your favorite sauce)
- 2 tbs olive oil
- 1 tsp minced garlic
- 1/4 cup pistachios, shelled and chopped (optional)
- salt and pepper to taste
Directions: Cut chicken into strips and season to your liking. In a large skillet, heat 1 tbs olive oil on medium high heat. Add chicken and cook until lightly browned. Next, add the rest of the olive oil (1 tbs), onions, bell pepper, garlic (or garlic powder), salt and pepper and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Last, add the pineapple, pistachios, and BBQ sauce and stir for 1 minute. Makes 2 servings. (from hungry happens site)
Paleo Chicken Avocado Soup
- 6 cups chicken broth
- 1 tsp sriracha (or to taste)
- 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breast
- 1 avocado, diced
- 4 scallions
- 1 clove crushed garlic
- salt and pepper to taste
Directions: Heat broth and sriracha on stovetop on medium heat. Dice chicken into bite sized pieces while to broth comes to a boil. When broth is simmering, stir in chopped white part of scallions and chicken. Add garlic. Let simmer for about 10 minutes, or until chicken is cooked. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve in bowls, and divide avocado and green scallions among the servings.
Strawberry Ice Cream
- 1 lb unsweetened frozen strawberries
- 14 fl oz coconut milk
- 1/4 tsp liquid stevia
- 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice
Directions: Put everything in a food processor and run until strawberries are pureed. If there are leftovers, store in the freezer! It will freeze solid, so take out of the freezer about 20 minutes before you want to eat it.
I hope you enjoy all of these recipes, I’m sure more will be coming soon! Remember, healthy and clean food CAN taste delicious!
FUN, Fitness, fat burning
Fun, fitness & fat burning.
Who says exercise, fitness and burning body fat cannot be fun?
At Precision Fitness Placentia we developed the FUN fit camp.
What happens at Placentia’s # 1 fitness camp?
Hula hooping, hopscotch, jump roping, pushups off a giant tire, a lot of fat burning, laughing and FUN!!
More FUN!
We made it even better by adding our Kick, Punch and Dance class, in this unique class you will be performing REAL kickboxing moves and during your active recovery you will be DANCING and having FUN as well as burning a tons of FAT!
We call our FUN fit camp and Kick, Punch & Dance class: Hybrid 2.0 fit camp!
This class is one hour long and you will burn up to a 1000 calories and have more fun than you ever thought possible.
Join Placentia’s # 1 boot camp/fit camp us on Saturday 2/22/14 at 8:30 am
More FUN with a friend! It’s always FREE!!
call 714-883-8940
Precision Fitness Placentia
1152 E Yorba Linda Blvd
Placentia, CA