
Functional Training – Four Pillars of Human Movement

Functional Training is an important training technique that helps prepare the body for actions that we perform in everyday life. In our daily lives, when we are moving about, we are moving in more than one plane of motion. This means we need to incorporate the same things into our workouts.

Four Pillars of Human Movementthe four pillars are composed of major movements the body naturally recognizes, and are the basis of functional training.

  1. Locomotion– all biomotor drills and single-leg dynamic movements (single-leg reach)
  2. Level Changes – squatting, lunging, stepping, trunk flexion and extension
  3. Pushing and Pulling – hands and elbows towards/ away from shoulders (push ups, pull ups, bench press, rows)
  4. Rotation– all changes in direction; rotational movement

Combining all of these pillars into a workout will make for great functional training. They will ease the stress put on your body from everyday activities.

Functional training Bonus Tips

  1. Fat loss – Cardio in the am before breakfast (or on an empty stomach)
  2. Fat loss – Cardio after weightlifting
  3. Fat loss – Follow with a protein drink (no carbs)
  4. Muscle gain – Cardio after weightnlifting
  5. Muscle gain – Drink a carb and protein drink before/during workout
  6. Muscle gain – Follow workout with a carb and protein drink
  7. Safety – Wait at least an hour after waking up before lifting
  8. Speed performance – Speed work BEFORE strength training
  9. Conditioning performance – Conditioning work after strength training
  10. Strength performance – Strength training before speed or conditioning

Stay tuned for more functional training tip in the future.



Hybrid 2.0 Class

Hey everyone!

The next Hybrid 2.0 fit camp is on  Saturday, February 22, 2014 830am , we are having our 2nd Hybrid 2.0 class!

This class is a combination of kickboxing and a great fit circuit. In this class, you will be able to:

  • Burn up to 1,000 calories
  • Work virtually every muscle in the body
  • Have a great time

There’s no excuse to Hybrid 2.0 fit camp, it’s FREE!

RSVP for the next Hybrid 2.0 fit camp 714-883-8940