Weight loss secrets

Weight loss secrets to reaching your 90 day weight loss & fitness goals:

1) Consume a healthy diet for your goal and use proper supplements that are safe and effective. This is what I reccommend to any one serious about reaching their 90 day goal: www.myvi90x.bodybyvi.com

2) A well balanced exercise program with primary focus on strength training is vital because strength training builds muscle, for muscle = increased fat burning and keeps you strong. 

A well balanced program should also include: Functional training, cardiovascular training, and mobilty training. The key is to find the correct amount of each one you need and then challenge yourself so you continue to make progress and work your butt off, hard work will always pay off. 

Contact Stewart for a FREE assesment and one week of training 714-883-8940

3) NEVER GIVE UP!! Focus on your goal and why you want it. The stronger your why, the more likely you are to reach it.  

Once you have the proper diet and supplements for your goals and the correct exercise balance, NEVER GIVE UP until you reach you goal and don’t let anyone or anything stop you!!

Weight loss is really not secret

It’s not to late to sign up for Precision Fitness Placentia’sULTIMATE 90 DAY GOAL CHALLENGE.   

Call 714-883-8940 today and sign up for FREE

Precision Fitness Placentia

1152 E Yorba Linda Blvd

Placentia, CA



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